Leadership Training Grants Program


The purpose of establishing a Grants Program is to provide financial assistance for Associations/Instructors groups affiliated with the Ontario Square & Round Dance Federation to sponsor leadership training for new dancers or upgrade established callers/cuers/dance instructors.



  • Grants are available to sponsor leadership training in the following dance categories:
    • square, round, clogging, line, contra and western
  • Any Ontario S&RD Federation affiliated group is eligible to receive a training grant providing it is able to establish:
    • the program could not be held without financial assistance
    • it has not received an Ontario Federation Grant for a period of 3 years.


  1. The most recently approved Ontario Federation application form must be used.
  2. Groups must demonstrate financial need by submitting:
    • a copy of the previous year’s financial statement
    • a proposed budget for the training course including any financial assistance received from another organization
  3. A written application must be received by the Professional Development Committee at least six months prior to the clinic. Applicants will be notified of the committee’s decision within sixty days of the year in which the clinic is to be held.
  4. A summary of the clinician’s training and experience must be included.
  5. Include a course outline with the application
  6. Those attending the course must be willing to complete a course evaluation and return it to the sponsoring group.
  7. No application will be considered for clinics or workshops that have already been held.
  8. Include a copy of the promotional/advertising literature being used.
  9. Individuals are not eligible for a leadership grant.
  10. Those attending an Ontario Federation Grant Receiving Course are eligible for an Ontario Federation Bursary (Revised Nov 16/02).

Grant Amount

  • The amount of the grant is 50% of costs but no greater than $500.00.
  • All conditions being equal, grants will be awarded on the first come – first served basis.
  • Half of the grant will be paid in advance of the clinic – the other half when the evaluations have been received.
  • If the clinic is canceled, for whatever reason, the money must be returned to the Ontario Federation.
  • A portion of the grant is to be returned should the clinic realize a profit or have lesser expenses that budgeted.


  • Clinics or workshops held in remote areas will be given extra consideration.
  • One day courses and courses with less than five students will only be considered in extreme circumstances.


Favourable consideration will be given to a group if:

  • It has not sponsored a training course during the past three years using grant money from the Ontario Federation.
  • The program is open to all Ontario Dance Instructors whether they are members of the sponsoring body or not.
  • The course is twelve to sixteen hours minimum.
  • The number taking the course is five or more.
  • The sponsoring group must be prepared to pay 50% of the costs either through matching funds or the collection of tuition fees.
  • Any additional cost incurred will not be covered by the Ontario Federation.


Send applications to training@squaredance.on.ca

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