Member Information
Instructions for Applying for Federation membership/Society Membership/ Insurance
At the beginning of each dance year, clubs collect membership fees from their dancers. Aside from any fees charged by the club itself, these fees include amounts to be submitted to the regional association, provincial federation and the Canadian Society as well as the fee for third-party liability insurance coverage provided by the Canadian Society.
For fees to be submitted to the Canadian Society’s by its deadline of 01 December, the fees must reach the Ontario Federation by 15 November.
Regional associations will establish their own deadline allowing them to consolidate the membership lists and fees from their clubs. Clubs need to submit a membership list (including the names of dance leaders and their partners) along with the fees they submit. It is important for dancers and clubs to respect the deadlines for submitting fees and membership lists.
Liability coverage under the Society’s policy is provided only to those dancers who have paid the insurance fee and whose name appears on the club’s membership list submitted by the deadlines.
Membership – (NEW – 2025)
- Membership Instructions
- Membership Application
- Membership Application – WordDoc
- Membership List
- Membership List – WordDoc
- Membership List – SAMPLE
Photo Gallery
From the 2018 Convention
Club Photos
Trillium Awards